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Standard Guide for Protective Gloves

PPE: Definition under the new regulation 2016/425

 Category I

PPE in this category is designed to protect users against minimal risks. These include as examples: superficial mechanical injury; con with water or cleaning materials of weak action; contact with hot surfaces not exceeding 50℃; damage to the eyes due to exposure sunlight (other than during observation of the sun); atmospheric conditions that are not of an extreme nature.

 Category II

Category ll includes risks other than those listed in Categories I and 11l. The following products are included as examples: Safety spectacles and goggles, lndustrial helmets and bump caps,hi visibility clothing 

 Category III

PPE falling under this category 'includes exclusively the risks that may cause very serious consequences such as death or irreversible damage to health' Risks include: substances and mixtures which are hazardous to health; atmospheres with oxygen deficiency; harm biological agents; ionising radiation; high-temperature environments the effects of which are comparable to those of an air temperature of at least 100℃; low-temperature environments the effects of which are comparable to those of an air temperature of -50℃ or l falling from a height; electric shock and live working; drowning; cuts by hand-held chainsaws; high-pressure jets; bullet wounds or knife stabs; harmful noise

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